Ordinary, Together
Brennan Manning says in his book Abba’s Child, “We encounter God in the ordinariness of life: not in the search for spiritual highs and extraordinary mystical experiences but in our simple presence in life.” Sitting in the living rooms of the families that have been created by obedience to God and through His love for all people, I have encountered the most beautiful “ordinary”. My new friends here give themselves over to a fullness of absolute joy in moments of gathering, deepening relationships, and celebration.
A theme I have experienced since coming to Jesus is that this life with him is not easy. It is simple, but not always easy. That theme continues and is abundantly clear here – life here, for these people, has not been easy. But they rejoice in the simplicity of their love for each other and of their love for God and His unending love for them.
The most overwhelming moments of connection with God I have felt since I’ve known Him have been in the realization of the ordinary. Being here brings an overwhelming “dose” of that realization… He is the same God here, there, and everywhere. We, his most prized of all creations, are the same everywhere – designed, loved, and saved by the same grace. There is a “filter” that seems to cover all of life… that screen is set aside when you are ignoring the complexities of life and embracing the ordinariness of life… afternoon coffee and conversation, laughing, sharing with ordinary people on ordinary days. Worshipping together, learning together, and just sitting and resting in the realization that we belong to a God who loves us. All of us, everywhere, we are His people and He is our God. He tells us in John 14:18 – He will not leave us as orphans, He will come to us. And He has.
For Him, for all of this, for this understanding – my heart is overflowing with gratitude I can’t contain.
If the “rest of my life” was only today… Encountering Him in the ordinariness of life would be enough. Jesus is more than enough.
– Mindy