Kevin Durant
We are sitting at a high school boys soccer game, watching them play on a dirt field without cleets, with mismatched shorts and no shin guards. But these boys play with such passion and a love for the game that none of that matters to them. They have the most enthusiastic cheering section, filled with their brothers and sisters from Bring Love In. It is in this moment that I experience a different kind of joy than I do at home. Laughing and cheering with the girls on the sidelines was so special. Salem taps me on the shoulder, looks me in the eye, and says, “I love Kevin Durant.” I start to tell her how cool that is and she grins and says, “when you come back, bring me his jersey.” I am kind of caught of guard by her request, but then I giggle a little bit and tell her that I will absolutely bring her a jersey. She then goes, “no, no, no. Write it down so you won’t forget”.
It’s moments like these that make this trip so incredible. Moments giggling in the kitchen with kids who are beyond eager to learn. Or sitting in a tiny living room of a home filled with kids who want to invite you in. To serve you coffee and popcorn and share their time and talents with you. It is hard for me to express the things that I experience and feel here. No matter what I say, I know that I can not do this place justice. I can never accurately paint a picture of its beauty. I know that the Lord is teaching me so much, but to be honest I’m not sure what all of it is yet. I am leaving this place humbled because the people here have given me more than I could ever give them. I have created real friendships that make it hard to say goodbye. Goodbye at least for now. I pray that I can come back and give these kids another hug. Come back and laugh with them again. Come back and give sweet Salem her Kevin Durant jersey.
– Sara