Day 4

Day 4

Today was our day to start our work at the school. As  I have learned everything operates rather slowly here in Ethiopia. Our scheduled time to start was nine o’clock in the morning but we finally got going at noon. While we were waiting, some of the local kids took us for a short walk. It was less than 200 yards from the school, but it was an amazing sight; one of the best waterfalls I have ever seen! After the hike, we began our work which consisted of replacing cabinet doors, sorting rat infested matresses, and cleaning the womens restroom. The matresses were in very poor conditon and were almost all not worth salvaging. The cabinets were all put back into working order with new hinges and latches. Our biggest success, by far, was our effort on the restroom; we painted and scrubbed making it look virtualy new. After the work was complete we went into Hawassa for dinner. Yosi, our guide, took us to a resort that would give the Ritz Carlton a run for its money. What a feeling, to go from living in some dorms and really “roughing it” to seeing this massive resort in the middle of town. It was right on the lake with a really nice pool, marble floors, piano, bar… etc. In most instances I would have not even thought twice being in an establishment like this, but after our first few days I felt extremely out of place. It really humbled me to see people fighting for thier next meal just outside the gates of the resort. This expierience was really the first time it hit me, as it was much easier to see what were used to, right next to the average citi,zen of this country. We left the resort, all with somewhat confused looks and headed to dinner. We enjoyed another great Ethiopian meal, and some amazing ice cream.  It is so rewarding to see the  smiles on everyones face here, they are so rich in faith, it blows my mind. God is everywhere and it inspires me to invest more in my faith, and attempt to become as rich in spirt as the people I have met here. Since we got all the work done at the school we are heading back to Addis tomorrow. I have never looked forward to a real toilet and a warm shower this much. I am really enjoying the trip and look forward to what is to come in the remaining time. Much love to all of you!!


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