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Category: May 2011 Work Team

Day 1

Day 1

There is an energy here like no other. Let me take you on a walk with me down a dirt road filled with music, hope and heartfelt greetings. In the distance there is a smokey shadow that hovers over the hillside. Shepherds herd their sheep on the same streets and children light up when they see our China faces. Bananas hang from the shopkeeper’s window with perfectly lined avocados, onions and lemons below. Inscents and dust fill the air.
We are safe. We have everything we need because God is here. We have all learned the best lesson of all: that WE is better than I but nothing is better than the laughter of an Ethiopian child…
May 12, 2011
Trecie Wheat

Rampant Immapancy

Rampant Immapancy

Our team has heard it’s fair share of “why are you going to Africa right now” and isn’t all of Africa in upheaval?”  To be fair, sort of. However, in my experience (which is neither deep nor wide), people usually talk about Africa as “Africa”…not about individual countries within the continent – mostly because we don’t actually know how big it is!

I’ve encouraged our team to talk to their worried friends and family about this:  At the moment, Mexico is #3 on the list of places the US Government advises you NOT to travel to.  That being said, would you have a moral dilema visiting Texas? Unless you don’t like to sweat or hate accents, my guess is no. So let your fears be assuaged, Ethiopia is more than a hop, skip and a jump from Egypt/Libya and has been pretty stable for the last 5 years 😉