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Author: Team Ethiopia

Oh My Heart.

Oh My Heart.

Oh my heart. This place. It keeps you on your toes and teaches you so much about yourself. The kids are everything I had hoped for and more. They have a joy so contagious and outrageous that it infects you even if you’re tired and your patience has worn thin.

The day (yesterday) started with some DELICIOUS cinnamon rolls; I unashamedly had two. Breakfast was not as uneasy as the day prior because we knew what to expect for the day as we had already been to the school and met the kids. In fact, I was so excited to go back just to hear their voices and see their smiles. They exhibit pure joy. We piled into the van, and traffic was insane like always, complete with honking and the aroma of diesel floating around. As the headache builds from the fumes trickling in, I look out the window at the chaos outside our little van. I’m amazed by the Ethiopian way of life. It’s so relaxed and content compared to our American hustle bustle, must-get-to-where-I’m-going lifestyle. They casually stroll alongside the street with no worries about time. Rarely do you see someone running to get somewhere or a driver huffing and puffing behind the wheel. Time doesn’t feel constricting here like it does in America. They will simply get there when they get there. I’m convicted about how consumed my life is by busyness back home and I make a mental note to slow down when I make it back. I have to take the time to slow down, build relationships, and be okay with the fact that I do not have to complete every single thing on my mental checklist for the day. Heck, I need to get rid of my mental checklists altogether and just be. Be focused on the relationships. Be focused on the people around me. Be focused on the people who are in need in the Gallatin Valley.

That has been one of the most humbling aspects for me. The streets are lined with elaborate buildings followed by shacks that are barely holding on. I oftentimes catch myself thinking, how is it that there so much wealth and poverty in one place, on one street, right next to each other? Then I immediately recognize that there is extreme wealth and extreme poverty in Bozeman as well. There is a need everywhere, not just here in Africa, and I have to be more intentional about doing what I can do to alleviate those needs.

I wish I could put in a box the emotions that circulate when you walk into the classroom for the day so I could give it to you and you could feel what we feel. The kids immediately start shouting our names–they sure do love saying Chuck’s– and we start off the day. Unlike my own classroom at home, the kids here are so eager to please that when asked a question, so many little hands pop up. I struggle to pick just one kid to answer. Thankfully, we have Abhi to help us out in the classroom and keep it under control. Abhi oversees “Keep One Home” where he organizes support for 156 kids who live in extreme poverty so they can continue to live with their single mothers at home. I don’t know what we would do without him. He’s so helpful and so willing to help us out and to be there. I absolutely and unconditionally love the people who are helping us and serving us, all while loving us at the same time. They have meek and humble spirits. I’m also so thankful for the team. Despite our varying personalities (all beautiful personalities, of course), we get along and they are quickly becoming family.

I can’t figure out if the days are going by slowly or if they are passing by in the blink of an eye but I do know that I am cherishing every single moment I witness, every taste I experience with the local food, and every word I hear from the children’s mouth.

Until next time,

Jourdan (or as the kids say it, “Jour-dahn”)

Varying Energy Levels

Varying Energy Levels

Our second morning started out much earlier than the first. For some reason, half our team, myself included, individually woke up around 3am and could not get back to sleep. Logan, who is staying in the bunk below me, saw this as a opportune time to get some work done. (Who doesn’t want to send emails at 4:30 in the morning?)

We all gathered around seven to do team devotionals which was when we all found out about the shared night of bad sleep. Someone even decided to spill coffee to illustrate the fact we were sleep deprived…that was me. Spilling coffee in the morning is one of the greatest atrocities known to man. During the devotional, one of us mentioned how much they are effected by the poverty and general welfare around us: the people begging in the street, the mistreated animals running around. It was then I realized how emotionally unengaged I was from the whole scene. This might sound bad, but I haven’t been that moved by what I have seen  the level I anticipated. I think it is because I feel so powerless in my surroundings. I feel there is nothing I can do to help the all the abused animals, the millions living in poverty, all those people sitting on the street side, shovels at their sides.  “Why should I even emotionally invest?” ‘Thats not even why we are here.” Is what I tell myself. That is probably a cynical view. But I just feel so powerless from it all.

Ishy arrived at around 8, we packed up some of the supplies we brought and headed out to the school. The ride took a little longer than expected and we were a little late to class. (Teachers late for school? how fantastically ironic.) But the ride through town was not without intrigue. At one traffic jam we encountered, a little three wheeled buggy decided to hop the curb and drive on the side walk. It was followed by another, and another, then a full size van. They were driving on the side walk like it was just another Tuesday. No one honked angrily or flipped them the bird, it was just business as usual. In fact, honking is almost incessant on the streets, rarely ever as road rage. It is more a form of communication with really no negative stigma attached. The patients of the locals while driving amazes me!

Ok, now to the school. Brandon mentioned last night the students might be a little scared by us since we come once and year…and they were anything but. The kids were all smiles and giggles for the moment we walked in the room. I guess they found our names funny because during our introductions, a few generated laughter amount a group of eleven year old boys.

After introductions and a reading of Noah’s ark, we split into older and younger groups. The kids were ages 5-8 and were lead by Chuck, Jourdan, Steven and Josie. Myself, Brandon, Rachel and Heather were with the older kids ages 9-12.

A second thing we did not anticipate was the education level of the students. The older groups english was very impressive. Many could speak complete sentences in English, something we thought would be a challenge for them. In one activity, we had the students piece together the noah ark story. Lets just say that went quick because they found the numbers on the back on the cards. Apparently we thought they wouldn’t check there.

The whole scene was beautiful to see. None of these kids has smartphones, or video games, or high tech toys, but there as a happy as can be. They have an energy I cannot wrap my head around. Chuck commented on how amazed he was that one boy, Darik, could get so much fun out of pushing a tire around the playground. It made contrast the middle schoolers I work with back at Journey, some very close in age to these kids. They come to youth group with their iPhones out and cruise around the Commons on hover boards. (Yep that actually happens.)

Ishy picked us up at 3:20 and took us for a quick tour of the Bring Love In headquarters ten minutes away. On the ride home Chuck and myself fell asleep in the back seat. I am like five-for-five for sleeping on car rides. But most everyone else was pretty talkative.

We closed the night with dinner back home and a meeting on the day tomorrow. Brandon lost it when the idea was presented we do a “how old are you” song to the tunes of “Carol of the Bells.” That was awesome.

This is only a quick overview of what this day had instore with us. I could go into so much more detail about each of the students and how full of life they are. But we have time and I’m sure you will hear much more in the days to come.


(“Now you’ve been Philled in” -Logan)


Photo from left to right: Mikias (in the background), Akele, Biruk, and Darik








Humid Air

Humid Air


5:15pm in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia / 9:15am Bozeman, Montana

As we, a group of 9, follow God’s plan and head to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, we can’t help but to take in all of the diversities that surround us throughout our travels. What an opportunity this going to be! With God’s hands at work in all that we do, I can’t do much but anticipate what it is exactly that he has in store for each and every one of us, including the new friends we’re about to make! As for now, we have yet to arrive in Addis Ababa. 

Currently we are all sitting in a very HOT and HUMID airplane in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia waiting to fuel up and let some passengers off. We’re on the last stretch of our travels… Finally! 

Whoop, whoop! We’re moving again. Hello air flow. Let me tell you, stagnant, hot and humid air in a large aircraft is so not ideal.

While we all sit in this crowded aircraft annoyed by someone down the isle, unsatisfied by the food that is served and uncomfortable with the hot, humid stagnant air, I can’t help but to think where my priorities lay and what exactly my priorities are in general. Knowing the little I know about the Ethiopian culture (from our previous group meetings) their lifestyle is completely driven by valued relationships. Even when they have nothing, they give…TO GIVE. They are looking for nothing in return but connection and building relationships. To them that IS everything. So as I sit here in need of fresh air, a good meal and a comfortable bed I can’t help but to feel humbled just by the idea of getting to know these people and their culture. I hope that, like them, I am able to bring just as much of an impact to their lives as they already have to mine.

11:45pm Addis Ababa, Ethiopia / 2:45pm Bozeman, Montana

WE MADE IT! It’s about midnight here in Addis Ababa. The three girls (Jourdan, Rachel, and Josie) and I just got unpacked, organized and all settled into bed. The guys are in a room next to us. Our living arrangement is nothing that any of us had anticipated. It’s all very nice and we are being well taken care of. Two wonderful locals, Ishy and Ephrim, met us at the airport and helped transport our luggage and all of Journey Church’s gracious donations to the guest house where we are staying. Tomorrow, Monday the 25th we’ll be able to recover from our trip, settle in, meet our host family and prepare for the two weeks to come.


8:00am Addis Ababa / 11:00pm Bozeman, Montana

Good Morning! Today when I woke up the house was overwhelmed with the smell of something similar to a sweet bakery with a hint of pizza. Weird I know but I swear that’s what I smelt! Once we all headed downstairs we were welcomed by many friendly faces. Young children were running freely throughout the living room while Yashi, Ephrim’s wife, prepared breakfast. Coffee was available right away. Yum! There’s nothing like Ethiopian coffee! So far my favorite beverage… Of course! Once breakfast was ready we all lined up in somewhat of a buffet style and began to dish out our own plates. Our options consisted of scrambled eggs, a creamy oatmeal, homemade fried donuts, banana pancakes and a mango juice. 

10:00am Addis Ababa / 1:00pm Bozeman, Montana

We’re headed out on the town today! It’s tourist-y day! Currently we’re at a bank exchanging some money for local purchasing and bartering. 

Good thing we have Ishy here to help guide us. I already don’t know what we would do without him! He is truly a blessing. Everyone we’ve met so far has been. We just went to a local store called “Safeway Market” to stock up on some snacks for part of the trip. No it’s not anything like the “Safeway” back home. 

All ten of us (our group of 9 and Ishy) are piled into a van-like vehicle headed to the Lucy Museum. The traffic here is intense! There are street lines, but it seems that they’re more of a suggestion than an actual way of driving. The bigger the vehicle the higher the right of way. I just saw my first stoplight since we got here! Still have yet to see a police officer. All around us there are standing federal police officers, both men and women. Some of them carry AK47s and some kind of baton with them. 

Between driving around from destination to destination I’m consumed by the wide range of smells that continue to fill the air. Car exhaust fills our van, meat butchers line the streets, debris covers parts of the roads and every local walks with ease and a sense of confidence that I can’t seem to find at the moment. Instantly I’m taken back to our time where I felt trapped on the airplane in Saudi Arabia during the refueling. The humidity was overwhelming. Situations that seem to be the easiest to handle can surprise you by being the most difficult.

5:00pm Addis Ababa, Ethiopia / 8:00am Bozeman, Montana

It’s about 5pm here and we’re just getting back to the guest house. It’s been a very adventurous and somewhat overwhelming day. There is still just so much that continues to shock me. After we explored the Lucy Museum we ate at the Lucy Restaurant right next door. It was one of the pre approved places for us to eat by Ishy! The food was amazing! Some of us even tried the traditional Ethiopian dish Ingera, which is a flat bread that could be described as a sourdough like pancake. The dish is served with a choice of meat, lentils (beans) and some kinds of vegetables. On our way back we also stopped by a local coffee shop, which we all desperately needed. Now that we’re all back at the guest house were kind of doing our own things and getting settled back in. Dinner is at 6:30 and then we’ll review what is to come tomorrow. What an opportunity that lies ahead of us. I can’t even express the amount of emotions going on throughout me right now. And we’re off to dinner!! Talk to you all soon! 

God bless,

Heather Wall

2016 Trip

2016 Trip

We’re on the final countdown to our 2016 trip to Addis! Check back in the coming days for updates from team members about their experiences.

Our team

(as pictured L-R): Logan Schelvan, Jourdan Bridwell, Josie D’Agostino, Phill Catlin, Rachel Holler, Chuck Winn, Steven Shiplet, Brandon Edwards and Heather Wall.

Expectations…by Suellen

Expectations…by Suellen

I came to Ethiopia with three expectations: To help teach Christianity to the Ethiopian people, to jump-start my luke-warm Christianity, and to have a God centered experience with my daughter. God fulfilled all three of my expectations, and as God often does, provided so much more. What I didn’t expect was what the Ethiopian people taught me. The overwhelming sense of acceptance from the children and adults alike, and the powerful prayer warriors that God placed in our path everyday. The children, who despite awful circumstances, love the Lord in amazing ways, and the feeling of appreciation for fellow brothers and sisters in Christ working to help despite personal sacrifice. It has been an amazing gift to be able to be a part of this team and to be a part of this work.

Hello From Addis :-) …by Lexi

Hello From Addis :-) …by Lexi

Today is a bittersweet day for most of us in the house. I’m a homebody and I’m super excited to come back to Montana, but I cannot believe how attached I’ve become with the people here and am so hopeful that God presents me with another opportunity to come back. It’s amazing how revealing this trip has been for me. I have learned so much about myself and my faith in just a few short weeks.


A woman that we met runs a ministry in Addis that helps find sponsors for families in need, so this morning we were able to visit their compound and pass out bags of flour and bottles of oil. The families that we saw today are grateful for supplies to make the same meal for an entire month and I complain that McDonald’s doesn’t deliver in America. Since that makes sense. Needless to say, today was another super eye-opening day for me.


Then we came back to the house and had a chance to meet with Levi Benkert, the founder of Bring Love In, the organization we have been working with during the past few weeks. He is such an incredible man. His love for the Ethiopian people and children is so inspiring, and I learned so much about the culture and the work that he and his family do here. He was also able to tell us a lot about the children that we’ve been working with and how far they’ve come since they’ve joined the program. I highly recommend checking out the BringLove.In website because now I’ve seen firsthand how lives are being completely transformed by these sponsorships.


The team and I covet your prayers as we begin our journey home tomorrow evening. Not only do we have 30 hours of travel ahead of us, our layovers are short and some serious hustle will be necessary to make our connections.


Thank you again so much for your prayers while we have been here. Hopefully we’ll be back in the 406 Monday afternoon as planned.





Last Day of Teaching…by Eric

Last Day of Teaching…by Eric

Today was a hard day. Hard because it’s a Friday and the kids just wanted to play but hard because this was the day that we had to say goodbye. Our class (Anna’s, Lexi’s and mine) were actually pretty calm today, we started off with review of what we had learned the previous days and then moved on to fill in the blanks and such other fun games. We then had an early lunch and play time. The whole day I kept in the back of my mind that we had to leave the kids today but I didn’t want to believe it was actually going to happen. It was more like a dream or just a thought. After lunch we corralled the kids back into the classroom and helped them make bracelets that explained how first God made the earth (blue bead) then man sinned (black bead) then Jesus bleed for us (red bead) and because of that we had a clean slate (white bead). Then the yellow bead which is heaven, Jesus is coming again. Then they made letters thanking the kids back in America for their generous donations that helped get things such as crayons, paper, pencils, and other such artwork supplies. While we were working the bus came with the younger kids we taught last week and the coffee ceremony supplies. So we waited for the other busload of kids to come and moved into the assembly building provided by the school. We were preparing for the ceremony when the other bus full of kids arrived. One of the students who made a big impact on me ran up to me before I even saw him, jumped up in my lap and gave me a huge hug. It almost brought me to tears (still is to be honest) and he stayed on my lap for the majority of the ceremony. It was one of the most heart touching things to see the kids from last week come back and sit on every single one of our laps during the ceremony. The ceremony was cool to watch and the coffee made was the best I have ever tasted. Afterward we were all hanging out with the kids trying to prepare our hearts for what was to come. It didn’t help much, the bus came and we said our goodbyes. Almost all of the group was in tears, and some of the children just wouldn’t let go of us. It took almost ten minutes for us to load onto the bus and it was painfully hard the whole time. We gave our last hugs to the kids and got on. There were tears the whole way home. We are here at home now and the tears have mostly stopped, but we are all feeling the after effects of this very emotional day. Please keep our team in your prayers as we deal with this, and God bless.     –Eric Sipes


The Innocence of a Child…by Anna

The Innocence of a Child…by Anna

Today we started day two with the older kids! They are so different from the younger children, but it is very nice to meet all their different personalities. The people here have so much love in their hearts it is impossible for it to not rub off on you. The biggest difference is the physical sense of love. The children always greet you with a kiss on the cheek and hug. They are so kind and caring. The simple little things they do are so different from kids in the US. A box of crayons is gold here along with any sort of ball. They have so much determination in any game, and are excited to learn ANYTHING new. I feel as though they have knowledge beyond their time, and I am very excited to be given the opportunity to work through God to help these amazing kids. I have a heavy heart tonight knowing that we are leaving in less than a week. We only have TWO days of teaching left. I know for sure I will come home with a different heart. Ethiopia’s people have touched my soul in a way I never expected. I hope that God works through me to come back to Ethiopia; there is so much to teach and learn here. Also, I will be waving with my eyebrows for the next six months because there is no way I can break this habit now! Thank you to everyone who has continually prayed for out team, and supported us to get here. God Bless!


Learning to Let Go…by Shelly

Learning to Let Go…by Shelly

Ethiopia has been far different than anything I anticipated. When I pictured what it would be like here I half expected a tribal scene from National Geographic, silly I know. I have met easily the kindest most open people; their love for Jesus is so evident in the way they live. Seeing so many live in poverty has taught me to appreciate the many blessings I take for granted daily back home.


We have invited two Ethiopian boys to stay with us this last week and I have been so overjoyed by their presence. Mesgana, who is 16 years old and Belayneh, who is 17 years old, both know a little English and get along well with everyone. They enjoy spending time with the team, playing card games, and joining us for our lessons during the week. I find myself in a trance staring at them as they interact with each other. These two boys are amazing and have such incredible love for Jesus and other people. They have taught me so much and I am so grateful that I met them. Both once were, or, still are “street kids.” They have so much to offer, and yet hardly have roof over their heads. Our translator Aki has been nothing short of amazing. He is a passionate man of God and it is very evident in his actions and compassion for people.


A few things I have learned on this trip are to LOVE Jesus with all of my heart and to be open about it. The second thing I have learned is to appreciate all the little things in life such as running water, a constant flow of electricity, and knowing when and where my next meal is coming from. Also, I have learned that if we all do our part we can make a difference in this world.


Speaking with their Eyebrows…by Ruth

Speaking with their Eyebrows…by Ruth

From our guesthouse on the outskirts of town we drove into the city of Addis Ababa to the large Beza Church.  We were greeted with the typical strange looks that travelers in a foreign country get while passing through, although curious we were greeted with warmth and excitement.  The church was large and full of people from all over the world.  It really showed me a glimpse of what it will be like to worship God in eternity with masses of Christians from every country and ethnicity and all walks of life.   Parents with their adopted children as well as locals filed in.  As we found our seats the band started warming up and a mixed humming drone filled the building.  Unlike most churches I have visited this worship team was huge!  Two drummers, a lead guitarist, two keyboard players, a bass player, a saxophone player, three lead singers, and about ten background vocalists completed the ensemble.  I knew I was in for a worship experience like never before.

A small family of five sat in front of us and I was tormented through the entire worship experience by the cutest African faces peaking up at me with the most beautiful curious eyes I have ever seen!  I smiled as I realized that the three little boys were talking to me even though they were not speaking.  It is something I have had to get used to during my stay in Addis. The Ethiopian people communicate with their eyebrows!  They lift them to acknowledge you and they lift them to say yes!  So although I couldn’t communicate in the same language with those precious kids, I could lift my eyebrows and share a smile.  The worship team began to play and the African music filled the whole church.  It was so fun worshiping with the congregation.  It was so lively and energetic and they sang praises to God with such enthusiasm and reverence.  They danced, they clapped, they lifted their hands, they shed tears, and every fiber of their bodies was engaged in worship to our Savior.  It was so much fun to share in their worship and feel the Holy Spirit fill the entire place.  The pastor spoke with such passion and excitement for God’s word.  His message was powerful.

The pastor spoke about the amazing son-ship we share with Christ.  Focusing on the courage and boldness that comes when you know who and what you are in Christ.  We are truly royalty because of what God has done for us.  How easy it is to forget who we are in Christ and that we carry the freedom and the boldness that is often required to share the love of Jesus with others.  This message floored me and brought such a grounding strength to my soul.  Sometimes is takes such courage and boldness to share our faith with others, and sometimes all it takes is a pair of eyebrows. I will be forever changed and will leave Africa so much more grounded in my faith.  I will leave with a new excitement to help those in need and I will leave with a boldness that only comes from knowing who God has made me to be!  Blessings


All my love,




Jungle Adventures…by Jenna

Jungle Adventures…by Jenna

As we drove farther into the African jungle, now 3 hours into what was supposed to be a 1.5-hour drive I said aloud “this has to be it.” The girls laughed, as this was the third time I had said it.  Myself, and three of my teammates were on our way to meet Lalise, my sponsored Compassion International child. Another half-hour on mud trails and we arrived in GoJo. Countless cows, sheep, goats, dogs, and baboons later we pulled into a place I pray we never forget.


Once we reached the Compassion site, I met Lalise (6 yrs), as well as her parents and other compassion staff members. After discussing what the program providers her and the family with we went through a traditional Ethiopian coffee ceremony.  This included them giving me the honor of cutting into the largest loaf of bread I have ever seen. Which I of course did incorrectly…several times giving all the Ethiopians a good laugh 😉


Following the ceremony we toured the church where the children prayed and sang together. I watched them sing and dance. Their love for Jesus and each other so evident, it was impossible not to smile ear to ear. They love the God with absolute abandon. In a place where people have so little, I have learned so much. Everyone we meet here has been so wonderful and just radiates joy. I’m forever thankful for such an amazing and supportive team to be here with. We’ve been embraced freely, without any reservation or skepticism. I am so thankful for the experience of being a sponsor, and that God provided me with the opportunity of meeting Lalise, her family, and her village.  I pray that I carry with me all that these amazing people have taught me. They love God and people, and that is what really matters.


Sending lots of love and hugs!


-Jenna Rae

Summarizing the Week…by Jackie

Summarizing the Week…by Jackie

God is good.  It’s Saturday and the week has flown by.  I’m amazed at how well things went this past week, and I know it’s only because God showed up and his Spirit filled in the holes that we weren’t expecting.


First of all, I have to start off by thanking God for our team.  This team is full of amazing people who astound me everyday with their hearts for God and their surrender to Him.  They are humble and loving people.  Everyday I’m thankful for their flexibility and spontaneity.  This is the first team to do this type of trip, and I’m grateful for their willingness to go with the flow and my sometimes lack-of-plan way of doing things.  They are people that truly love to laugh, and I’ve never laughed so hard in one week ever.  We are silly and joyful people, and I’m glad for the group I’m spending this time with and sharing these experiences.


Secondly, the camp this week has been far better than I ever expected.  This week the group of kids we had were 10 and under, which means our oldest child was 9 and our youngest was 5 or 6.  I really expected that the camp would wildly flop, that all the kids would be bored out of their mind, not learn anything and hate us.  However that is hardly the case and I’m happy that we’ve had a different result.  I’ve seen teachers make a genuine connection with their kids, and the kids love the heck out of their teachers.  We’ve seen an amazing increase in the kids’ confidence in speaking English, and even the youngest can have a short conversation in English.  It’s very exciting to see the kids grow and interact with us.


Next week we have kids 10 and older, and I have to admit that I fear we might be under-prepared.  I came expecting the older kids to be at a basic English level, but based on the group this week, we will have to prepare new material this weekend to be able to offer a camp that will grow and challenge the group next week.


Keep praying that God’s Spirit speaks to us and fills us with His wisdom as we head forward into next week not knowing what to expect.  I thank God each and every day for the people who have supported this trip both financially and through prayer.  Your support means the world to me and the others on my team.  Thank you for partnering with us.


Much love, Jackie