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Author: Team Ethiopia

It’s A Brand New Day

It’s A Brand New Day

We have arrived in rainy Ethiopia after 30+ hours of travel. As morning dawns and we see the country for the first time in the light, the overwhelming feeling among the group is one of great anticipation and expectation. There’s something quite powerful about removing yourself from your comfort zone and stepping out into new places surrounded by new people and the possibility of new experiences. It places your senses on high alert and forces you to be more present in the current moment.

Our day-to-day lives seduce us into the comfort of familiar routines and life’s distractions, causing us to miss the miraculous moments in the world around us. When you travel, especially to places so drastically different from the one in which we live, it can be like stepping into another dimension, one in which at least for me, God is a bit easier to see, feel, and hear.

The weeks leading up to our departure were busy and emotional for me on a personal level. As a result, I stepped on to the plane both exhausted and anxious that I wouldn’t be able to leave the concerns of life behind and be fully present in all this trip has to offer. Yet as we lifted into the Montana sky, those cares fell away, replaced by the calming of God’s presence. This happens often to me when I travel, it’s why I love to go, for unfortunately sometimes it takes going to the other side of the world to quiet my heart and mind enough to be fully present in the world around me.

Throughout the day, we descended to the city of Minneapolis, the city of Amsterdam, and even into the country of Sudan for a brief refueling. Each time, our bird’s eye view from the plane highlighted the vast expanse of the cities below. Homes stretched from horizon to horizon, each filled with people, people known and deeply loved by our magnificent God. I was struck by the awesomeness of His power and the breadth of His reach, knowing the Bible speaks often of how God cares deeply for the concerns and fears of each member of His creation, paying such close attention He knows the number of hairs on each head…there were a lot of heads! I couldn’t wrap my head around the vastness of His love and power, couldn’t fully understand how He could know everyone intimately in the plane around me, in the homes below me, and even in the places outside the far reach of what I could see. I felt dwarfed by His omnipotence.

Turning from the window, briefly distracted by a small voice nearby, I bumped into God in a different way, within the eyes of a child nearby. She was patiently saying and waving goodbye to all the passengers around her as we prepared to debark. What caught my attention was her acceptance of everyone around her. Surrounded by a variety of people of all shapes, colors, ages, and nationalities, she embraced them all, making sure each one received their own wave. In that moment I glimpsed another side of my savior, the part of Him who comes to dwell among us, loving and accepting each of us regardless of history, creed, nationality or beliefs. The side that reminds me that I am treasured, that my relationship with Him is intimate and important, that my vast and powerful God is personally reachable and present all around me…if I pay attention.

Today is a brand new day, the start of two weeks of being fully present in the world and people around me, and of expecting to meet God in both big and small moments. A mere forty-eight hours into our journey, we have already witnessed God’s miraculous intervention in an eleventh hour passport delivery only He could have orchestrated, experienced His loving care as He brought us all safely to the other side of the world, had a front row seat to the vastness of His creation and to the intimate way He reaches out to each one of us through the voice of a child.

So today I rise with a tremendous feeling of expectation for what this time will bring each member of the group, the miracles we will surely witness, the lives we will touch, the ways our own lives will be transformed, and the moments we will interact personally with our God and savior.

Yes, it’s a brand new day and we are ready to seize all that it will bring.



Don’t kill the camels…

Don’t kill the camels…

Last week we headed south to Ziway with a short term mission team from Illinois and California to see Misgana Ministry run by Gary and Peggy Ifft. The ministry consists of three schools and Samuel’s Home, a home for orphans.   Each facility is amazing, spotlessly clean, well run, a HAPPY & SAFE place for the children.  There are children from Christian, Orthodox, no religion, and Muslim families, as well as the orphans from Samuel’s Home who attend the school.  The children are learning 3 languages, Bible verses and songs, along with their math, science, etc. as well as hand washing before meals and after going to the bathroom.
The children are fed breakfast and lunch each day.  The menu is a two week rotating menu that allows for two days a week Ethiopian food at lunch, which is the kid’s favorite days, the rest of the time very balanced, healthy meals of vegetables, meat and grains.  Peggy is a nutritionist by trade and is able to feed four kids for 25 cents a day great meals that are fresh and healthy. The grains are even ground at a near by mill ( we got to watch the process at the mill which was very interesting and old fashioned.)  We ate lunch with the kids for two days man was the food good.  What those kids eat at school puts to shame the lunches given to the kids in the states for lunch.
We had a great time while visiting the schools and the home.   What God is doing is so over the top, even the Muslim parents are excited about what their children are learning in school and the difference the school and the Word of God is making in their children’s lives.
Now for the ride home…..I think we have told you about the road and how dangerous it is with animals, people and other vehicles going every which way on the road.  Well we are cursing down the road at 60-70 miles per hour in our 16 passenger van when from the last seat in the van Leigh yells at the top of her lungs,  “Camels……. CAMELS…….…STOP….. STOP.” There was indeed camels, as a matter of a fact about a hundred of them.  So our driver slammed on the breaks and head the van for the side of the road.  When we were stopped the sliding door opened and we began to pile out of the van.  Kate stayed in the van saying in a soft voice, ” I don’t think this is such a good idea.”
Peter the professional photographer with the team was the first to navigate across the “high way of death” and I was right behind him, with others following at different intervals.  I had just taken a couple of photos when to my HOROR, a camel herdsman came from out of no where, I really mean NOWHERE, he wasn’t there just two seconds before.  He was running mock ten at us dust was flying around as his feet hit the ground, his snow white knee length robe trimmed in African print was flying out behind him like Superman’s cape, his eyes were shooting fiery daggers and in his hand that was raised above his head he held a eight foot LARGE staff.   Something in me made me put my camera away as I stared in horror thinking he was going to take Peters head OFF.  Then all of a sudden there was another herdsman who materialized out of nowhere, on second he wasn’t there and then there he was.  About this time our driver arrived on the scene and put himself between the 1st herdsman and Peter.  Someone brought over some money to offer but the herdsman hit it out of our driver’s hand.  While all this was going on we started retreating to the safety of the van.
The conversation between the driver and the herdsman was tense and we learned the herdsman meant to do bodily harm to us, our driver informed them that they would have to go through him first as we were guests and he would not allow them to treat us that way. When we got back to town and were telling the story to others we learned that we were indeed very lucky as the herdsmen are feared, ruthless, would just as soon use a machete on you or shoot you, the police won’t even deal with them because they are so feared.  We also learned the reason behind NO pictures is that they believe if you take a picture of their camel it will die.  Praise God for His protection over us.
About ten minutes later as we are racing down the road laughing and talking about the camel experience when there was a LOUD explosion and I had Kate in my lap, she had been sitting on the wheel well.   As my mind finally wrapped it’s self around what was going on I realized we had just had a blow-out, so I continued to hold on to Kate wondering if we were going to roll over.  Our driver who I think went to school at the Indianapolis 500 driving school, pulled the van to the side of the highway of death and saved us.  Everyone piled out of the van and into the pucker brush.  While the Indy pit crew went to work.  They had the tire off, changed and the shredded tire stowed away in about 5-7 minutes.  The thought running through their heads as they work….We’r gong to die, WE ARE GOING TO DIE right here on the highway of death.   Meanwhile as all of this is going on Peter, the photographer had again made his way to the other side of the highway and was taking pictures of people passing by. This time he asked permission of his subjects.
We made it home without any more excitement, but with lots to talk about.  I think I have the only picture of the camels.

Jerainya: To Live Forever

Jerainya: To Live Forever

Ethiopia January 13th 2012

There is an African proverb that say, “It take a village to raise a child.”  This is the story of Jerainya, a 14 year old boy who comes from the southern region of Ethiopia.

Two years ago some men from another tribe Killed his mother and 17 year old sister with machetes as he watch, then came after him, but Jerainya escaped, hiding and running until he came to the road and found a bus, the driver, after hearing that men were trying to kill him gave Jerainya a free ride towards Addis Abba.

Jerainya lived on the streets of Addis Abba for two years, begging for food and money, sleeping where ever
he could. At one point while begging he told a man he was hungry so the man gave him 50 birr, which is equivalent to $3.00
in American money. Jerainya took the money to a store, gave it to the manager to keep and told him he would come each day to buy food with it. He was able to eat for a week on this amount of money.

At some point during his time on the street Jerainya was raped. Life had to be very hard for a little boy who had just lost his entire family on his own on the street without any money, or anyone to take care of him.

Meanwhile God was at work. Aki (the manager of the guest house we are staying in) and a friend were praying and fasting asking God what He would have them do. A few days later was when Aki saw Jerainya for the first time, in a riverbed below the bridge that he was walking over. Jerainya was naked covered in dried mud and eating dirt, wide eyed and acting crazy. Aki took Jerainya to a bath house cleaned him up had someone go and buy clothes for him, then took Jerainya home and fed him. That was two months ago, in the last two months Jerainya has accepted Jesus as savior, he is eating like a horse, healthy, happy, laughing, and learning to speak Amharic and English. He will start school at the beginning of the next school year, after he has had some tutoring, as he has never been to school. He will continue to live at the guest house with Aki, Joe, and the staff who have all adopted him and are loving on him and caring for him for now. Hence the proverb: the village is raising the child.

It is such a joy to see what God is doing in this little boy’s life bringing healing to the pain and trauma Jerainya has experienced.

Jerainya means: To live forever. How perfect, now he belongs to the Lord and will live forever.

– Sandy

Exabir Yemesken

Exabir Yemesken

Let all that I am praise the Lord;
with my whole heart, I will praise his holy name.

Let all that I am praise the Lord;
may I never forget the good things he does for me.

He forgives all my sins and heals all my diseases.

He redeems me from death and crowns me with tender mercies.

He fills my life with good things.
My youth is renewed like the eagle’s!

The Lord give righteousness and justice to all who are treated unfairly.

Let all that I am praise the Lord.

We Can’t Make This Up

We Can’t Make This Up

I could not make this stuff up. Thank GOD He’s in control, because it’s become glaringly apparent that I/we have NONE.

7:00 AM – Beginning yesterday (Jan 12) we get up early-ish (skip breakfast and buna) so we can meet Sami in Mexico (a part of Addis). We get a spot on a big bus and we’re excited. It’s hard to get to Mexico via taxi in the morning because it’s so busy. This bus takes like 45 minutes to go 2 miles and we are late. We can’t find Sami, he still doesn’t have a phone, the number he had yesterday he didn’t have now, and he doesn’t have my phone. We walk all over looking and decide to get some donuts and coffee at a place I’ve wanted to try for the last few years. It was a very tasty sugar load.

9:30 AM – Sami gets ahold of us and gives us directions to where they are. They have a copy of the rental agreement for their office (a missing piece to shoes stuck in customs), but a original was required. Murad had to bring it from across the city. Also, they were charged 250 birr (instead of 25 birr) for the signing of one document so they wait to log a formal complaint.

10:30 AM – There is one more signature required, but because the organization that Great Hope Church RENTS from is missing the ORIGINAL memo that established them as an NGO (FORTY years ago) the government official refuses to sign. The men try and try to convince this man that this is not necessary.

In the meantime, we go to get a new SIM card for my phone. The one I bought last May will let me text and receive calls, but it won’t let me make a phone call. We really have no idea what we’re doing and I was hoping someone in the government office (yes, phones are also run by the government) will speak a little English. They do, and I sit down to get a new card (with my same number), but my card isn’t registered with them. WHY?? He asks if I have the receipt from purchasing this card 9 months ago, which I do (randomly), but it’s at home in MT. So I have to get a new SIM (new number), which requires us to go get two passport photos taken and a copy of my passport. We find a place to take the pictures, the guy takes a good picture, goes to print the picture and…the power goes out. Membrat yelem.

11:30 AM – The photo shop decides to pull out their generator so we get our pictures printed, I get my new SIM card and we head back to the government offices where everyone (Sami, Murad, Tenow, Commander and one other man) are still waiting. I cut the SIM into a mini SIM and now my phone works great! Exabir yemesken (thank God!).

12:00 PM – We go to lunch bc gov. offices are closed for lunch.

1:00 – 3:00 PM – We wait. I bought a pair of black stretchy pants in here for a reasonable price. Not Hybesha (Ethiopian) price, but close enough 😉

3:00 PM – We ask the head of the department for help. We plead with him, we beg. He won’t make the decision without his colleagues. But first, he must conduct four interviews for an internal position.

3:15 – 4:30 PM – We wait.

4:30 PM – We beg, we plead, we beg, we plead.

4:55 PM – They give us the signature.

We buy over-priced supplies to make home-made pizza back at the guest house and retreat to our home for a fun evening with friends. For a whole lot of nothing, it was exhausting.


7:00 AM – Aki and I left to take care of my visa before our 10 AM meeting with Tefera (Bright Hope/CHI). The immigration office actually opened at 8:30, so we had time for a piece of bread and tea before we started the shenanigans. By the time we got there at 8:00 AM (Taxis are full in the AM), there were THOUSANDS of people in line all around the immigration offices. It was crazy. I was thinking that if we had to stand in line, we wouldn’t even get close to the door before 5:00 PM, but the foreign office was different and we didn’t have to wait in line – I was first!

8:30 AM – I’m very hopeful because the woman I saw first just gave me a sheet of paper to fill out like it was no big deal to extend my visa. I fill it out and then go to room 77 to wait in line, then to room 80, where they’re in a meeting for 30 mins. The man there does NOT like that I’ve been in and out of Ethiopia so many times over the last two years, he doesn’t think I’ve left since MAY (despite the stamp that says I left MAY 31), and skeptically asks me if I’m SURE I’m not making any money in Ethiopia. SERIOUSLY??? MONEY IS FLOWING OUT MY EARS TO EVERY STINKING GOVERNMENT OFFICE IN ADDIS ABABA!! He says he’ll only extend my visa TEN days. I’m here for 13 more. He tells me to change my ticket (I refrained from telling him that the ticket cost more than he makes in 6 months). I BEG him, plead with him, argue with him and basically, finally, tell him he’s being outrageous to not give me THREE extra days and really throw a fit. He sends me to room 12. On our way to room 12, a man standing around asks me what I’m looking for, we tell him and he turns out to be the next level up the ladder. He basically agrees with the man before and says I should only have 10 days. He asks why I’m here and I tell him to report back on some projects we’ve supported the last two years. To take some pictures. He says I need a different visa for that. I asked, “To take pictures?? So, if I go to Lalibella (huge tourist attraction) and take pictures, should I also get a work visa for that)?” He says it’s different, I say it’s not and go back to begging. I’m in tears at this point. I’ve never asked for something like this. He gives me FIFTEEN days. I think he just wanted to see me cry. He sends me back to office 80, where I enjoy telling the jerk official there that I got 15 days despite his efforts. He sends me to room 77, they scribble something, send me to room 79 to pay, but room 77 missed something, so I go back. Room 77 fixes their mistake and sends me back to room 79, where I find out that I must pay in USD. THANK GOD I had a stray 20 (I rarely have extra cash in my wallet) or I would have been back at square one. Finding an ATM that works in Addis is time consuming and difficult. Anyway, it’s all wrapped up and I go back to the office to pick up my passport (with enclosed visa) on Monday. For now it’s just me and my copy.

11:00 AM – I’m an hour late for my meeting with Tefera, but he’s sweet and understands the government shenanigans of Ethiopia. We visit a school near Bright Hope that is GREAT. I will tell more about that in the next blog. In a lot of ways, it’s what I envision Bright Hope becoming over the next few years. Clearly they have a great administration and some good ideas. They don’t have KG (kindergarden) and they want to build 5 buildings, which is why we were invited to come and see. The BEST part is that they have already raised 85,000 birr from their own students/community. They are very serious and that’s fun to see.

After Baslios (that school), we go to Biruh Tesfa (Bright Hope) so Sandy can see the project and so I can see Mezgabu. It was hard for Tefera, but he really wanted to go. Mezgabu was also very sad about Tefera’s change of employment with CHI but it was good to see him. They have completely finished the wall and there is an area for the tinish sooks (little stores) that will ideally sell the veggies, water and chickens/eggs. They have not dug the 2nd well and I’m not 100% sure about the status on that, but I’ll check with Corey from the States. They just sold all their chickens (326) for the Christmas festivities. Chickens are about 85 birr and new chicks are the same, so they’re getting 325 new baby chicks soon! Apparently a chicken’s egg-laying capacity goes down as they age, so they don’t really want chickens more than a year and a half old. I think it was fun for Sandy to see the project we talk about so much at church…even though it was a quick visit.

2:00 PM – We need to get to the airport to meet Sami and the gang to get the shoes. They have completed the TIN# process and have a new certificate. YAY!

2:30 PM – Our taxi breaks down in the middle of the road going to Mexico. We get out and walk the rest of the way.

2:45 PM – It occurs to me that I need my passport to get into the airport (weird rules). My passport is in immigration. UG. I have to go ALL THE WAY back to the guest house to get a copy of my passport and PRAY that’s enough. We end up hiring a small taxi to drive us directly to Bole (the airport) for 170 birr, which isn’t a great deal but was totally worth it.

3:30 PM – We get to the airport and we’re all excited! Sami et al. have been waiting for over an hour in the parking lot, but they understand Hybesha time and don’t mind too much (so thankful for all those boys).

3:40 PM – We find out we need ANOTHER LETTER from myself, telling them that I’m coming. Freakin ridiculous. So, we type up a letter on the little laptop the boys happened to have (super lucky) and Sami convinced a random airport official to let us print two copies off in her office. Thank GOD. I sign the two letters and take them to customs.

4:00 PM – The guy looks through every form ten times and then asks Sami to go make copies of half of them. I have no idea where he went to do that but then he comes back, the official tries to staple them all together, but there are too many. HA. THEN, he decides he wants to know if the shoes are leather or synthetic. We tell him they’re just like Sandy’s plain athletic shoes and that is not good enough. We have to got get all the bags out of storage and tell him. We are led to a random 30’x30′ room that is dark (no lights) with bags just stacked all over the place. To find the ones underneath, they just toss others aside.

Interjection: I pretty much beat it into our teams’ heads that they should not be bothered by inefficiencies and weird processes because that’s just the way it is and it’s not going to change for you/us, the Americans. Let me tell you, this place is the MODEL of inefficiency. I just about lost it today and had to remember my own advice, although I’ve NEVER experienced something like this. Thank GOD there aren’t bribes.

4:25 PM – Just like we said, the sweet girl tells the official that they are all mixed. Just normal athletic shoes.

4:30 PM – We go to pay for the shoes and the TIN number for the NGO that is Great Hope Church is NOT yet in their system. We have to go to the customs headquarters where they will enter the TIN into the system. Just like that, our weekend plans change and we will TRY AGAIN on Tuesday when Sandy and I get back from Ziway. I am becoming a libertarian.

We’ve had a LOT of fun in the midst of the shenanigans and I’m SO thankful for Sandy the super prayer, Joe the steady and our many Hybesha friends who help us all day every day. God is good and He knows when/if we will get the shoes next week. I’m thankful for the ride and I’m thankful to be loved!

Meeting I with Tefera

Meeting I with Tefera

So yesterday we met with Tefera. Tefera has led the project at Bright Hope (Biruh Tesfa) from the CHI (Children’s Hope International) side. He was the Ethiopian contact for the US Office and the project development director. I was really surprised by our meeting.

First, when I got here I texted Tefera to say hi and Merry Christmas, and his reply wasn’t really what I was expecting – it was curt, which isn’t how we normally interact. Also, I had been trying to communicate with him via email over the last few months about the project(s) at Bright Hope but he hadn’t been responding – also unlike him. This is one of the big reasons we’re here, because communication with project/development leaders has been nearly impossible over the last 6 months, which makes it really hard to lay a foundation for the future of Journey’s involvement in Ethiopia.

Well, yesterday I found out that on the day Sandy and I arrive, Tefera’s sister died. I think she had a heart attack in the middle of the night. It was completely unexpected and he is really grieving that unexpected loss. I really can’t believe he didn’t tell me this when we were setting up the meeting.

Secondly, Tefera is no longer working with CHI. CHI hired a new country director in July and they do not see eye to eye. He feels that he’s tried his best to work with her and finally she let him go. He was stunned and frankly, so am I. He’s really become someone I’ve grown to trust and appreciate. I don’t know any of the details, so I’m sure there’s more to the story, but the short end to it is that he is not overseeing the projects at Bright Hope any longer. Huge bummer.

So Joe, Sandy, Tefera and I spent time over macchiatos talking about his sister, the quick change of events in his life, and his ideas/knowledge of other schools in the city who might be interested in community development projects like Bright Hope. I was unaware of another school in the Korah area (no one has mentioned this before) called Basilios. Apparently it almost borders the dump and Ring Road. According to Tefera, it’s smaller than Bright Hope but a few months ago their staff or administrators had been by Bright Hope to see the progress of the project and expressed interest in similar community development. This sparked our interest, so we will go visit it tomorrow. Sandy will also get to see the project at Bright Hope and Joe and I will get to see our friends there. I’m super excited!

Today we’ll work on getting the shoes out of customs, fixing my Ethiopia SIM card for my phone and ridding the living room furniture of termites 😉 I’ve never seen these little buggers before, but they are a PAIN! I can hear them chewing on the eucalyptis shelves next to the couch when I’m reading in the AM. Customs could take all day again, so we’ll let you know how that goes. Thanks for your prayers!

You make beautiful things / You make beautiful things out of the dust / You make beautiful things out of us

January 11/2012 Ethiopia

January 11/2012 Ethiopia

I will never complain about the deer crossings I experience in Montana again.  Here in Ethiopia you can be racing down the road at a comfortable 60 to 70 miles per hour, when your driver will SLAM on the brakes because, a goat, donkey, horse, Brahma Bull type cow ( which they call an Ox), or even a camel will decide to cross the road.  If the animal is hit, injured, or
killed the drive will have to pay twice the value of the animal to the owner.  People, on the other hand just have to get out of the way if they know what is good for them, because no one slows down for pedestrians of any size or shape.

Saturday the 7th of Jan. was Christmas Day here.  So Kate and I traveled with a team from a church in Tennessee to Shashamene boarding school, which is bout 4 hours away from Addis Abba.  However, because it was the Sabbath, Christmas would be celebrated the next day.  So we just hung out with the kids, which proved to be delightful. Two little guys, Yirgemachew 10, and Sami, 11 attached themselves to Kate and me. We spent the afternoon hugging, holding hands, and trying to learn their language, which posed a much bigger challenge for me than for Kate, she actually does a pretty
good job with Amharic.

The next day the entire school put on a program for us with singing, multiple readings, and a coffee ceremony. Being a non coffee drinker I was surprised that I liked the coffee taste, however when it reached my stomach, there was the sensation of FIRE, I quickly drank some water to put out the fire. After the program we did crafts with the kids, their favorite part of the crafts was the GLITTER !!!!! They had glitter everywhere, in their hair, on their faces, on their clothes, and skin.  They couldn’t have been more delighted, and we could have used about 10 more pounds of GLITTER. The children were served a lunch, with meat which they only get once a year, and then given gifts from their sponsors.

The afternoon brought a carnival of games and prizes.  I don’t know who had more fun the kids or those of us putting it on.
It was a joy to see the all of the kids laughing, playing and eating candy.   Praise God for this school those who support it and those who work there being the hands and feet of Jesus by taking these kids out of the dump, and giving them LOVE, Shelter, Food, an Education, and introducing them to Jesus Christ, who gives them a hope and a future.

Birds as big as ponies…

Birds as big as ponies…

Ok. So here’s the lowdown on where we’ve been and what we’ve been up to. It’ll be a bit long, so good luck to you.

We hopped on a plane at 5:45 AM on January the 4th and landed in Addis at 8:30 PM on the 5th. Sandy got her visa easily, mine expires on Jan 14th, so I’m not sure how that will work yet, but they wouldn’t extend it at the airport. We exchanged cash, waited forever to get all the luggage and made our way towards the door. The attendant ushered me out but I waited for Sandy, who was pulled aside. This was my [big] mistake. they eventually pulled us both aside and thus began the customs game. We waited an hour, then counted all 187 shoes, then packed them back up and then [in disbelief] watched them cart them away to storage. We had to come back the next day with the Great Hope NGO license and TIN# (we only had an invitation letter) – then we would pay less for the shoes (hopefully). The guy who was counting with us and walking us through all this wanted a pair of shoes. I told him if he helped us I could help him, but he elected not to 😉

So our friends, Joe and Aki, who had been waiting 2 hrs, took us back to Amazing Grace guest house and I slept like a tiny little baby in my favorite bed.  We got up the next day, which was Christmas Eve, and picked up Sami Liben at Great Hope Church to go back to the airport with a license. We found out that they didn’t have the TIN# because they needed Sami’s ID to finish the process and he just got back from the States on Wednesday. Crud. But, I did feel luck to have Sami all to ourselves all day…which turned out to be ridiculous. I can’t begin to do it justice.

We went to the airport, walked back and forth to each office 3x, then they told us we had to provide proof of the TIN in progress and without it, we can’t have the shoes. Awesome. So, this led to a trip back to Great Hope Church to see if they had any paperwork/the newspaper where their NGO was announced (which we needed before we went to the government office to get proof of TIN in progress – ack). They didn’t. So we went to the printing press for Addis Ababa newspaper, went up 7 flights of stairs and searched through the last year’s pile of newspapers for an ad that was 1″ tall and 3″ wide. They didn’t know the approximate publish date, so it was seriously like looking for a needle in a haystack. I wish I could show you a picture, but there are no pictures allowed in government buildings (the government owns the press here).

Thankfully, Murad found the ad an hour later. We went down the stairs, across the street to the office, where they pulled us a paper from the archives. What originally seemed unlikely was now accomplished (thanks Aki, Murad and Sami), THEN we went to the gov. office across the city (Sandy has seen all of Addis in just two days) 🙂  When we got there, they were having a Christmas party. They shared some cookies and buna with Sami & Murad, gave them a sheet of paper to fill out and sent them on their way. We’ll go back next week. HA. $65 for a driver, about 100 miles driven around the city and our bags with shoes still sitting in customs awaiting an uncertain future. TIA.

I am thankful for Sandy’s easy-going attitude. That makes the shenanigans more fun, experiencing them together. Joe is always easy and fun to travel with and I just love Sami! I’m a lucky girl to have these friends.

Please pray our bags are release and for a small fee. Anything is possible!

We spent Saturday (Ethiopian Christmas) and Sunday in Awassa/Shashamene with the students from Korah who are at the boarding school there. It’s so fun to love on them and learn Amharic. We spent all day with Samuel and Yirgachew…Sami is Barnabas’ brother (from Bright Hope/Biruh Tesfa – some of you will remember him). He’s so sweets and easy to love. We visited their dorm room, which is shared by 7, and it was immaculate and decorated for Christmas. Freakin adorable. I love this age of kids – middle school. They are so affectionate and fun (here and the States). It’s good to be loved – I hope we felt as loved as we did.

It’s good to be back. The smells, the tastes…it brings the language back quickly. After 3 or 4 days I’m not far from where I left off in May, which is encouraging and something I really enjoy. Maybe fluency lies ahead somewhere.

This week we’ll try to get the shoes and meet with a few organization’s leaders around here – Tefera from CHI/Bright Hope is our first date 🙂 We’ll meet with a team from Illinois on Friday and make our way to Ziway to meet a couple in ministry there. Please pray for our continued good health, clear eyes, soft hearts and discretion in meetings and project visits.

Also, I saw a bird as big as a pony yesterday and we were almost hit by a camel. Love this place.

Jesus, you’re the one who saves us /
Constantly creates us into something new.



Melkam Genna!

We’ve just wrapped up Christmas in Ethiopia. We will update with a more detailed post soon [we think], but briefly, our shoes are still stuck in customs. We will keep working with Sami Liben (of Great Hope Church) tomorrow or the next day to get them out.  In the meantime we have spent lots of time with the kids at the boarding school in Shashamene and the Project 61 team from Tennessee.  We’re all caught up on sleep [mostly] and getting ready to meet more more ministry partners later this week.

Would you please pray that our shoes would be allowed to leave customs for no/a small fee? We are learning a lot, but can’t wait to get our nine bags back. More details to come, just pray, please!

Much love to our friends and family. Thanks, Jesus, for letting us be here!



Tuesday, 24 May

Tuesday, 24 May

I want to start this off by asking a question; have you seen Jesus today?
Maybe this is a better question,
Have you looked for Jesus today?
Think about that while I share some statistics with you, ready?
One.  Do you have food in your refrigerator?  Clothes on your back?  A roof over your head?  What about a place to lay your head every night?
If you do have these things you are richer than almost 75% of the world.
Two.  Do you have money in the bank (checking account or savings account)?  A little bit of cash in your wallet?  What about a tray of spare change on your dresser, or even a jar of coins stashed away somewhere?
Get this. You are among the top 8% of the world’s wealthiest people.
Okay, so pretty amazing statistics right? I would say more humbling than anything else.
So back to my first question(s), have you seen Jesus today? and/or have you looked for Jesus today?  There is a pretty hefty chunk of scripture that I want to refer to, so for the sake of the length of this blog this is going to be on you to read, if you don’t have a bible handy definitely check out  If you have your bible take a look at Matthew 25:31-46, yes, “the least of these”.  Take some time and read it, then come back.
Heavy stuff huh?  Throughout all of scripture Jesus identified with the poor in amazing ways.  Not only did he identify with them, but he was one of them.  Look at where Jesus was born, as well as his upbringing too.  Jesus was born in a dirty manger, a feeding trough, Jesus, God, the King of the universe could have been born in a palace, in comfort, but he wasn’t.  It says in scripture that there were times when Jesus had no place to lay his head, no place to sleep at night.  When he rose on the third day he rose in cave, not in a palace, not in a place of luxury.  So is it really any wonder that Jesus associates himself with the “least of these”?
What do we do with this?  How do we react?  As Christ followers we experience God’s grace and love, we realize that grace is given as a gift, we respond to grace, we respond to forgiveness, as a response to gratitude, with LOVE, we LOVE because He first LOVED us.
Tom Davis wrote in his book called RED LETTERS:
“I’ve discovered a new way to live.  Every morning when I get out of bed, I look for Jesus.  No, not because I have misplaced Him.  And I am not talking about a feeling I get during prayer, or a revelation that comes to me while reading scripture.  I’m talking about Jesus in the eyes of real people, in the eyes of the poor, the handicapped, the oppressed, the orphan, the homeless, the AIDS victim-the abandoned and the forgotten.”
Jesus is everywhere, in everything, and experiencing him in Ethiopia; on every corner, walking the streets, laughing, smiling, crying; will hopefully open our eyes to see him and experience him more and more back home.
I’m sorry if this seems to be scrambled, or unorganized, maybe just all over the place, but it seems fitting because that is where my heart/mind is as I write this, all over the place.  I’m trying to wrap my head around being able to express
an unconditional love,an unending love,a love that can only come from God.
My prayer is that compassion will flow through us, that our eyes will be opened to see Him face to face, that His love can radiate through us, transforming our hearts and resonating in the hearts of others.
So. How are you responding?  How are we responding?


Monday, 23 May

Monday, 23 May

One word that stands out in my mind while being here and most likely when I will look back on my time here in Ethiopia would be the word generosity.  Whether it be the staff at Amazing Grace Guest House or the staff at Bright Hope School generosity has never been lacking.  Today especially our team was shown generosity in a few special ways.    Tare, who is our transportation guy, invited us into his home and also supplied our team with lunch.  It was a special time for our team as Tare is not required to do this for us but was generous enough to open up his home and would not let us pay for our dinner but out of the generosity of his heart gave of his own money and supplied us all with lunch.
Then when we returned home that afternoon the staff at Amazing Grace Guest House had set up a special coffee ceremony, prepared wat for dinner for us, and also gave our entire team gifts of wallets for the guys and scarfs for the girls.
Being shown that generosity from everyone has made our entire team feel so special and so loved.  Our Ethiopian friends have definitely set up such a good example of being generous.  Whether that is being generous in our time, generous in our finances, or showing generosity through whatever gifts the Lord has given us.  Our prayer now is that we take what we’ve learned from our relationships here and bring them back with us and incorporate them into our lives and relationships back home.
Romans 12:6-8  We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us.  If your gift is prophesying, then phrophesy in accordance with our faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, the give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to how mercy; do it cheerfully.
-Laura Bosma