coming back

coming back

This is my second time in Addis. My senses are still overloaded, but they are familiar this time. I am able to focus a bit more this trip. Then be overwhelmed. We were greeted by Ishy & Thomas the first day, the love that I have for both of them was surprising to me. To have just met them last year and to have learned the true meaning of intentional conversation I feel known and loved here in Ethiopia. But what was really surprising was that the hotel staff even recognized me. The smiles and “I remember” were so incredibly heart felt. They have told me that it means so much when someone comes back.

Last year at Bring Love In they had just adopted 8 girls from the government orphanage just 3 days before we came. The girls were quiet and very observant, never smiling. But we’re not ready to engage in the Firenge (white people). This year has been completely opposite. They have been the first to run out and greet us as we arrive every morning. Smiles lighting up their faces. The love and confidence that they exude is beyond what I can describe. To have seen them last year, and the pain and trauma that they had to endure. To the complete reversal of healthy young girls this year, just shows how remarkable Bring Love In staff is. How they emulate Jesus to these orphans. They are truly God’s hands and feet.

I have been honored to talk with the director, Thomas a lot more this trip and to hear his heart for this ministry. He has said that funding is down and they have a home that will be empty coming up this fall because 8 students will be leaving for University. But they are not sure if they will be able to adopt more children to fill the home with where their funding is at currently. My heart breaks, knowing the lives that have been changed and children that have been loved back to health through Bring Love In. Most striking the 8 girls that have been transformed since last year. How can we not help?

I pray that we all can feel known and seen like the children at Bring Love In. Because they have been given a gift, and we can help more children feel unconditional love.

Charity (aka mom)

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