As we begin our journey home, it is hard to put into words and describe to you all that has happened over the past two weeks. This trip has taken months of planning, fundraising, team meetings, preparation with vaccines, planning to leave family and work…its hard to believe it’s all about over. This experience will be something we will never forget and has changed our hearts forever… in the best of ways. The trip started with some bumps but it was all in God’s plan and ended up better than I could’ve ever imagined. This team of people was the perfect group to be surrounded around for the past two weeks; to serve with, support one another, worship together, cry together, laugh together and most importantly grow together. When I think of this trip the word that keeps coming to my heart is “beautiful.” This entire trip has been a display of love, grace, compassion, chaos, joy, hospitality and kindness… it’s been beautiful. Ethiopia itself probably isn’t a place most would describe as beautiful… it may not be our Montana beauty… but it definitely is beautiful in so many ways. The people and especially the children are beautiful, inside and out. Even with next to nothing there is so much joy even through the poverty. We came to help and serve them but in return they went above and beyond each day to show us how much they appreciated us. The way they are so proud of their culture, the way they instantly step up to help without even being asked, the sacrifices they make for the greater good, the way they love each-other, their endless hospitality…. it is beautiful. I am so thankful I was able to see it all and be a part of it!
I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works, my soul knows it very well.
Psalm 139:14
– Brittany